Gratuity Contributions Calculator(For Contract Workers & Employees in Zambia and other Countries)
Provide Your Salary Details Below
Basic Pay
K 0.00
Months In Service
Gratuity Percentage
Total Earnings For the Period
K 0.00
Gratuity Paid at 25%
K 0.00
How to Calculate Gratuity In Zambia
Enter your basic pay. This is your monthly salary before any deductions.
Enter the number of years or months you have worked. This is the period of service
for which you are calculating the gratuity.
Select the gratuity percentage. This is usually specified in your contract. The
standard gratuity percentage in Zambia is 25%.
The calculator will first calculate your total earnings for the period of service.
This is done by multiplying your basic pay by the number of months you have worked.
The calculator will then calculate the gratuity amount. This is done by multiplying
your total earnings by the gratuity percentage.
The calculated gratuity amount is the amount you are entitled to receive as