• Upload File
  • Validation Results

Upload NAPSA Return File for Validation

Supported formats are CSV and Text
  1. All columns are required
  2. Employer ID must be provided
  3. SSN and National ID must be provided
  4. Year must be valid (2000-2025)
  5. Month must be between 1-12
  6. Gross Pay must be greater than 0
  7. Employee and Employer shares must each be 5% of Gross Pay
  8. Shares cannot exceed contribution ceiling for the year

Sample File Structure

Column Expected Data Sample Data
A Employer ID 1402251636
B Year 2025
C Month 9
D SSN 9112160942329
E National ID/Passport 237110/65/2
F Surname Mtonga
G First Name Zengani
H Other Name J
I Date of Birth 25/05/1988
J Gross Pay 25,000.00
K Employee Share (5%) 1250.00
L Employer Share (5%) 1250.00